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Links of Life is a unique volunteer program designed to bring cheer and companionship into the lives of seniors throughout Broward and Dade County.

Whether for seniors living on their own or  in assisted living facilities, Links of Life matches up caring friends to visit on a weekly basis to share experiences, to spend quality time, to celebrate special occasions and to create wonderful memories together.

This inter-generational program is not just about visitation. It’s about friendship. It’s about community.

The Visits – A Gift of Mutual Benefit

Weekly visits with a designated Links of Life volunteer opens an entire new world of social connection and interaction for a senior. A relationship of care and devotion is fostered and built upon.

For the seniors, simply knowing that someone with a kind heart is there to lend a sensitive ear or hold their hand is reason enough for them to smile and feel uplifted – all week long.

For the volunteers, there is the boundless sense of satisfaction of performing a deed that is deemed of highest virtue in Judaism – showing due respect for the elderly, helping ensure that their golden years are as pleasant and rewarding as can be. The visits also allow for volunteers to be mentored – to learn the valuable lessons of life’s journeys from those who have traveled its many miles.

Together, seniors and volunteers develop a newfound appreciation for the joys and blessings of life. By sharing personal experiences and accomplishments, they inform and enrich each other’s lives. A mutual gift indeed.

For further information or to sign up as a Links of Life volunteer, please contact us.

Do you know a senior that can benefit from a weekly visit? Please contact us and we will happily arrange it!