Welcome to the Levi Yitzchok Retiree Academy!

Below you can click on the "Apply Now" link


We are currently accepting new applications. We offer 2 daily tracks and 6 once a week tracks. You can choose one or more. 

Track 1 (daily): This Track is for men only

- Sunday thru Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. EST

-Topic: Talmudic Study 

Track 2 (daily): For Men and Women

- Sunday thru Thursday, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. EST

- Topics include a variety of Judaic Studies (Jewish History, Jewish Law, weekly Torah portion with modern commentaries and guest speakers from around the world.) 

Click here for more information on the topics  

Track 3 (once per week): for women only 

- On Wednesdays at 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm EST

-Topic: Lessons from the Torah and the holidays to integrate into our lives 

Track 4 (once per week): For Men and Women

- Sundays from 3pm - 4pm. 

-Topic: Summarized Code of Jewish Law (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch) Laws of Prayer by Published Author Rabbi Yossi Wernick

Track 5 (once per week): For Men and Women

- Mondays from 3pm - 4pm. 

-Topic: Book of Kings 1 (Sefer Mlachim Beis) by Rabbi Menachem Smith

Track 6 (once per week): For Men and Women

- Tuesdays from 3pm - 4pm. 

-Topic: Chassidic Discourse  (Maamar Chassidi)  by Published Author, Rabbi Yisroel Rice

Track 7 (once per week): For Men and Women

- Wednesdays from 3pm - 4pm. 

-Topic: Delve into an essay by the Lubavitcher Rebbe about the Weekly Torah Portion by Published Author, Rabbi Aryeh Citron

Track 8 (once per week): For Men and Women

- Thursdays from 3pm - 4pm. 

-Topic: Weekly Torah Portion with the Commentary of Rabbi Chaim Ibn Atar (Ohr Hachaim Hakodosh) 

Program Dates

The Winter Semester Began on Sunday, 30th Tishrei, October 15th.. You may still join in the middle of the semester. Many of our classes are entities of their own and the classes that are part of a series, we will give you a short synopsis to bring up to date with the topic we are studying. 


Incentives for Coming

Mind-stimulating classes with excellent teachers, opportunity to meet some wonderful people, share your thoughts, connect to your heritage, and we plan to start weekly and monthly raffles to win great prizes like restaurant certificates, pleasant boat ride excursions, museum tickets, gift cards to popular stores, etc. The more you attend the more entries you get in our monthly raffles. 


Volunteers and Paid Employees

We are an organization that services retirees with numerous programs and events. We often need volunteers and if you are in a position to help with some of our projects including the Levi Yitzchok Retiree Academy, please be in touch with Rabbi Smith at (954) 458-6000. Also, if you are a retiree and would like to earn some money, we do have part-time positions available for various jobs and we will give priority to our students, assuming they are qualified for the work. 

Make-up Missing Classes

Search the United Jewish Generations Channel on Youtube and find the missed lesson. If you can't find a specific class, send an email to [email protected]


Please be considerate of others. No politics. Please join on time. Coming late, leaving early, or listening to both, Torah classes and your tv/phone/radio at the same time, is considered as a No-Show. We reserve the right to make changes to our policies, guidelines, stipend, etc at any time. We reserve the right to terminate anyone's participation at any time, if we feel you are interrupting, bothering, harassing or promoting something other than the study of our Holy Torah and connecting to Hashem. Additionally, if we feel someone is not benefiting from this program as much as we would like, or if they simply don't fit in with the group, or if we feel they will benefit more elsewhere, we reserve the right to exclude them from the program at any time. We do take pictures and videos at our events and of our zooms, that we use for promotional purposes for our organization. We do not sell the pictures or give them to other organizations. If you do not want your picture to be used to help our cause, please let us know in advance. 

More info is available in the  Questions and Answers section.  

APPLY NOW please click here for the application.